35) W. Cao, I. J. Joye, E. Szabo, M. S. Gualam Razul, G. Matharoo, F. Peyronnel and D. A. Pink Caution in using Ellman's procedure in measuring Sulfurhydryl Oxidation (under revision 2024)
34) D. F. Hanlon, Ivan Saika-Voivod, G. Todd Andrews and M. S. Gulam Razul. Probing the Visocoelastic Properties of Aqueous Protein Solutions using Molecular Dynamics Simulations. (under revision 2024)
33) M. S. Gulam Razul, G. S. Matharoo and B. Viswanathan, The role of high crystalline environments in dynamical heterogeneity in supercooled water. (in preparation 2024)
32) B. Babita, B. Viswanathan and M. S. Gulam Razul. Properties of disaccharides and amino acids in diminishing crystallization in water utilizing Differential Scanning Calorimetry. (in preparation 2024)
31) D. A. Pink and M. S. Gulam Razul. Chapter 18: Simulating the Physics of Oleogels: Mathematical Models and Monte Carlo Simulation in Advances in Oleogel Development, Characterization and Nutritional Aspects, Eds C. Palla and F. Valoppi, 1st edition, Springer, 2024.
30) B. Viswanathan and M. S. Gulam Razul. Relating Screening to Atomic Properties and Electronegativity in the Slater Atom, Foundations of Chemistry, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10698-023-09492-9, 2023
29). B. Viswanathan and M. S. Gulam Razul, Electronegativity provides the relationship between formal charge, oxidation state, and actual charge, Foundations of Chemistry, 25, 1-24, 2022
28) B. Viswanathan and M. S. Gulam Razul, Orthogonality Properties of States, Configurations, and Orbitals, Foundations of Chemistry, 24, 73-86, 2022
27) M. S. Gulam Razul, G. S. Matharoo and B. Viswanathan. Structural (dis)order and dynamic propensity in a mildly undercooled glass-forming liquid: Spatial correalations and role of crystalline environments, Physica A, 2021, 569, 125764.
26) M. M. English, P. Scrosati, A. J. Aquino and M. B. McSweeney and M. S. Gulam Razul, Novel carbohydrate blend enhances chemical and sensory properties of lobster (Homarus americanus) after one-year frozen storage, Food Research International, 2020,137,109697. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodres.2020.109697
25) M. S. Gulam Razul, C. Elliot, Q. Keily-Finlay and P. Scrosati. Optimization of Seafood Preservation Solution for whole-cooked shell-on lobster products (Technical Report - P & I funded industrial project): 2020
24) B. Viswanathan and M. S. Gulam Razul, Simplification of Combustion Analysis, World Journal of Chemical Education. 2020, 8(2), 100-103, DOI: 10.12691/WJCE-8-2-6
23) B. Viswanathan and M. S. Gulam Razul, A Method for Teaching How to Balance Redox Reactions by Building Up Molecules, W. J. of Chem. Ed. 2020, 8(2), 67-70. DOI: 10.12691/wjce-8-2-2
22) B. Viswanathan and M. S. Gulam Razul, Perspective on London’s Dispersion Interaction,
Molecular Physics, 118:6, 2019, DOI: 10.1080/00268976.2019.1652365
21) M. M. English, M. J. Keough, M. B. McSweeney and M. S. Gulam Razul,
Impact of a Novel Cryoprotectant Blend on the Sensory Quality of Frozen Lobster (Homarus Americanus) (Journal of Food Science: Sensory and Consumer sciences, doi: 10.1111/1750-3841.14642, 84(6), 2019)
20) M. S. Gulam Razul, G. Kilfoil, M. Savoury, B. Flynn and P. Scrosati (2017). Cryopreservation of select hops varieties grown in Nyanza (Technical Report - P & I funded industrial project).
19) K.-P. Marzlin, A. Panwar, M. S. Gulam Razul, B. C. Sanders Propagation of radiation pulses through atom-plasma mixtures. (Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics. 49: 075501, 2016)
18) J. R. Powell and M. S. Gulam Razul Service Learning and Astronomy: A Community-Based Approach, Chapter in peer reviewed book titled The Physics Educator: Tacit Praxes and Untold Stories. (73-80. Published, Common Ground Publishing, 2016)
17) M. S. Gulam Razul, G. Kilfoil and J. Mitchell (2015). Methodology and chemical profiles of select hops varieties grown in Nyanza (Technical Report - NRC-IRAP funded industrial project).
16) D. A. Pink and M. S. Gulam Razul (with T. Gordan, B. Quinn and A. J. Macdonald), Computer simulation techniques for modelling statics and dynamics of nanoscale structures, Chapter 9 in Edible Nanostructures, a bottom–up approach, 2014, Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge, UK.
15) K. A. MacLeod, M. S. Gulam Razul and J. Powell, TBA , Pedagogical Changes in an Astronomy Course for Non-physics Majors: Student and Professor Perspectives, (Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Women in Physics, Nov 10, 2014)
14) K. A. MacLeod, M. S. Gulam Razul, J. Powell, J. A non-traditional undergraduate Astronomy course: Changing pedagogy to better meet students’ needs Can. J. Phys. 10.1139/cjp-2014-0247, Oct 2 2014
13) M. S. Gulam Razul, D. A. Pink, C. J. MacDougall M. F. Peyronel, C. B. Hanna and A. Marangoni, Oil binding capacities of triacylglycerol crystalline nanoplatelets: nanoscale models of tristearin solids in liquid triolein. (Food Funt. 5(10), 2501-2508, Oct 2014)
12) D. A. Pink and M. S. Gulam Razul, Computer simulation techniques for food science and
engineering; simulating atomic-scale and coarse-grained models. (Food Struct. 1(1), 71-90, Jan 2014)
11) C. J. MacDougall, M. S. Gulam Razul, E. Papp-Szabo, F. Peyronel , D. A. Pink, Nanoscale characteristics of triacyglycerols oils: phase separation and binding energies of two-component oils to crystalline nanoplatelets. (Faraday Disc., 158 (1), 425 – 433, Mar 26 2012)
10) D. R. Jackson, A. Moharab, J. MacNeil, M. S. Gulam Razul, D. G. Marangoni, and P. H. Poole, Simulations of a lattice model of two-headed linear amphiphiles: influence of amphiphile asymmetry. (J. Chem. Phys. Art. No. 134: 204503. May 28 2011)
9) M. S. Gulam Razul, G. Matharoo and P. H. Poole, Structural Origin of Dynamical Heterogeneity in the binary Lennard-Jones liquid. (J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 23: 235103,May 25 2011)
8) M. S. Gulam Razul and P.G. Kusalik, Crystal Growth Investigations of Ice/Water Interfaces from Molecular Dynamics Simulations: Profile Functions and average properties. (J. Chem. Phys. 134: Art,. No. 014710, Jan 7 2011)
7) G. Matharoo, M. S. Gulam Razul, P. H. Poole, Spectral statistics of the quenched normal modes of a network-forming supercooled liquid (J. Chem. Phys.130, Art. No. 124512 Mar 26 2009)
6) K. Gillis, J. Vatamanu, M. S. Gulam Razul and P.G. Kusalik, Averaged Configurations from Molecular Dynamics Simulations. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 4699: 51-58, Sept 23 2007)
5) G. Matharoo, M. S. Gulam Razul, P. H. Poole, Strucutural and dynamical heterogeneity in glass forming liquids. (Phys. Rev. E, 74: Art No. 050502(R) Nov 20 2006)
4) M. S. Gulam Razul, J. G. Hendry and P. G. Kusalik, Mechanisms of heterogeneous crystal growth in atomic systems: Insights from computer simulations. (J. Chem. Phys. 123 (20): Art. No. 204722 Nov 22 2005)
3) L. Hernández de la Peña, M. S. Gulam Razul and P. G. Kusalik, Quantum effects in ice Ih. (J. Chem. Phys. Art. No. 144506 Oct 8 2005)
2) L. Hernández de la Peña, M. S. Gulam Razul and P. G. Kusalik, Impacts of quantization on the properties of liquid water. (J. Phys. Chem. A. 109 (32): 7236-7241 Aug 18 2005)
1) M. S. Gulam Razul, E. V. Tam, M. Lam, P. Linden and P. G. Kusalik, Computer simulations of heterogeneous crystal growth of atomic systems. (Mol. Phys. 103 (14): 1929-1943 Jul 20 2005)