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Formal Courses (u-undergrad, g-graduate,1-first year course, 2-second year course, 3- third year course, *-current courses)





*Fundamental Thermodynamics  (u,2) - CHEM 231 (Fall)

*Introduction to Quantum Mechanics (u,3) - CHEM 331 (Fall)

*Thermodynamics of Real Systems and Kinetics (u,2) - CHEM 232 (Winter)

*Introduction to Molecular Spectroscopy and Statistical Thermodynamics(u,3) - CHEM 332 (Winter)

General Chemistry (u,1)

Concepts in Chemistry(u,1)

Principles of Chemistry (u,1)

Introduction to Biochemistry(u,2)

Advanced Biochemistry(u,3)

Medicinal Chemistry (u,4)




Fundamentals of Chemical Engineering (u,2)

Fundamentals of Process Engineering (u,2)

Industrial Chemistry (u,2)




General Physics  (tutorials) (u,1)

Introduction to Astronomy I (u,1)

Introduction to Astronomy II (u,1)

Astronomy: The Solar system (u,2)

Astronomy: The Stellar system (u,2)

Modern Physics: Subatomic Physics/Cosmology (Cosmology portion) (u,3)

Advanced Statistical Mechanics (g)




Over my career as a scientific computational expert in high performance computing I have offered the following workshops at St. Francis Xavier University, University of Prince Edward island, Cape Breton University and Memorial University


Elementary (Computational):


Introduction to high performance computing on ACENET

Introduction to Unix/Linux

Introduction to Unix/Linux scripting

Introduction to the SUN N1GE (multiple job management system)

Introduction to Perl

Introduction to Python

Introduction to C/C++

Introduction to Fortran 77/90/95

Introduction to Parallel Programming

Introduction to OpenMP

Introduction to MPI


Intermediate/Advanced (Computational)


Unix/Linux scripting

Perl scripting


Fortran 77/90/95



Scientific Workshops


Introduction/Intermediate Quantum Mechanics

Introduction/Intermediate Statistical Mechanics

Introduction to Electronic Structure Calculations,

Introduction to Gaussian

Several Elementary/Intermediate Molecular Dynamics workshops

Monte Carlo methods in Simulations

Multiscale Modelling techniques

Introduction to Dissipative Particle Dynamics.

Elementary Numerical Methods

Intermediate Numerical Methods


Saint Francis Xavier University

Antigonish, Nova Scotia, Canada

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