Research Program
Solidification processes are a routine process in food production. Understanding the complex liquid environments that undergo solidification and tuning foods for desired properties are important in producing functional foods. Experimental probes into the complex liquid/solid interfaces of such systems are difficult to probe directly as most techniques tend to focus on the chemical species of the solid or the reactions taking place in the bulk liquid. Computer simulation techniques notably Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulations have begun to shed insights into the complex environments of such multicomponent and multiphase systems. However, inducing phase changes like crystal growth for aqueous and non-aqueous systems remain highly challenging tasks. The long-term goal of the project involves the testing and application of existing computational methods and models, and development of novel methodologies to enable an efficient computational scheme for investigating solidification in food systems.
i) Cryogenically freezing seafood before frozen storage have been demonstrated to retain a high-quality texture and flavor due to the rapid rate of freezing. Fast freezing rates are recognized to retain desirable attributes of muscle foods due to smaller ice crystal formation (macroscopically characterized) during the freezing process, which are less detrimental to muscle proteins compared with slower freezing rates. Yet long-term frozen storage can lead to other undesirable changes in seafood including loss of water-holding capacity. One way to ensure the quality of frozen storage seafood is to introduce additives like carbohydrate cryoprotectants and salts. Addition of these components have been shown to extend shelf life of seafood, decrease lipid oxidation over frozen storage time, maintain texture, color, and flavor attributes, increase yield, and decrease drip loss. Yet, a fundamental understanding of how these cryoprotectants inhibit crystal growth, promote glass formation, interact in a complex synergistic manner is unclear from a microscopic molecular level. My reserach is aimed at providing fundamental insights into understanding and subsequently tuning
cryoprotectants for food.
ii) Triacyglycerols (TAG) in foods are composed of a variety of structures both in solid and liquid form. These are important in functional food design. These fatty-acid components interact and form many coexisting phases – possibly micro- and even nano-phases, dependent on the prevailing environmental conditions and involve interfaces of different characteristics and complexities. In such systems, it is likely that the hierarchies of complex crystal networks are responsible for their macroscopic properties such as oil binding capacity and viscoelasticity. Much work by my collaboratorshas been undertaken in this regard and a fundamental component in the hierarchy of TAG structures, namely a crystalline nano-platelet (CNP) was experimentally identified. However, the properties of TAG crystallization into lamellae and subsequent formation into CNPs are not well understood at present. Here, we are interested in charactersizing TAG crystallization.
The computational/theoretical approaches in i) will aid in designing new cryoprotectants for use in the seafood industry. Here, we are currently focussed in developing some novel cryoprotectants and thier use in the lobster industry. We hope to extend formulations that will be used in cooked lobster meat, whole shell lobster (raw or cooked) and uncooked lobster tails. The effectiveness of the formulations are manifested by the condition of the frozen seafood product. These are characterized chemically by standard techniques (protein, lipid, moisture, etc. analysis) and also characterized by Raman spectroscopy, High Performance Liquid Chromatography and eventually with the use of Differential Scanning Calorimetry. In addition, colloboration with the Human nutrition/food science and biology departments will also aid in the characterization of the cryopreservation of the frozen lobster by sensory and visual means.